Practical experience is helpful in garden designing…

In this post, I draw your attention to the following plants: Euphorbia myrsinites, Armeria maritima and Alyssum saxatilis.
As you will see on the below pictures these perennials stay green most of the year. These are fantastic flowers to create green areas in your dry and sunny parts of your garden!

Mid April: on the right site you see Alyssum saxatilis with accompanying Nepeta faasseni, on the left Euphorbia myrsinites and between green Armeria maritima.

Mid May: yellow Alyssum saxatilis and violet Nepeta faasseni with flowering Euphorbia myrsinites, pink small flowers of Armeria maritima and violet balls of Allium aflatunense ‘Purple Sensation’.

Mid to late June: between Euphorbia myrsinites and Alyssum saxatilis you see pink flowers of Armeria maritima ‘Splendens’, violet Lavender and green small heads of Allium sphaerocephalon.

Mid to late July: summer brings Coreopsis civitella ‘Zagreb’ and Allilum sphaerocephalon into full bloom while Alyssum saxatilis, Euphorbia myrsinites and Armeria maritima stay green even in the hot days without additional watering.

Mid August: second part of summer with its hot days does not change these green perennials that are resistant to temporary drought and full sun.

Mid September: even in the late summer days these perennials are still looking attractive and green. And in addition new flowers start blooming and attracting butterflies – Sedum spectabile ‘Meteor’.

End October: the composition looks still green….

End November: first frost…

Winter time: with snow and Christmas decorations…

February: waiting for spring…

End March: spring is coming…

For more pictures check our Instagram

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